Investigation of technological parameters of piezostacks assembling and their application


  • L. Patašienė Kaunas University of Technology
  • G. Baurienė Kaunas University of Technology


Theoretical investigation of piezostacks and dynamic analysis of their composite parts have indicated that increase in initial tension decreases harmonic components of fluctuations. Natural frequencies of a piezostack fall down sharply with an increase in the number of piezoelements. Experimental investigation of composite piezostacks makes it possible to determine the optimal initial tension force, the dependence of the displacement of a non-fastened piezostack on some constructional and technological parameters. The possibilities exist to optimize the construction, materials and technology of the manufacture of piezostacks, thus obtaining the maximum value of the piezostack displacement. The experiments have been carried out under mechanical loading and they have revealed that in order to obtain higher displacement amplitudes the number of piezoelements in a stack are to be chosen with great responsibility. The desired displacement value can be received with less power and labour expenditure if the optimal number of piezoelements is taken and the production conditions are maintained without limiting the displacement value but limiting the piezostack deflection from the vertical axis. The didtribution of elastic deformations along the entire length of a piezostack has enabled us to develop a recommendation for minimization of the applied piezoelements. Theoretical investigation has been confirmed by experiments.




